作者 |
论文名称 |
发表刊物 |
成果类别 |
刊物级别 |
赵辉煌 |
Image Neural Network Style Transfer with Global and Local Optimization Fusion |
IEEE Access |
论文 |
SCI二区 |
刘波涛,李浪,李秋萍 |
Loong: A Family of Involutional Lightweight Block Cipher Based on SPN Structure |
IEEE Access |
论文 |
SCI二区 |
赵辉煌 |
Adaptive Gradient-based Block Compressive Sensing with Sparsity for Noisy Images |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
论文 |
SCI三区 |
焦铬 |
Image Encryption with The Cross Diffusion of Two Chaotic Maps |
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems |
论文 |
SCI四区 |
赵辉煌 |
Automatic Semantic Style Transfer using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Soft Masks |
The Visual Computer |
论文 |
SCI四区 |
赵辉煌 |
Block Compressive Sensing for Solder Joint Images with Wavelet Packet Thresholding |
Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology |
论文 |
SCI四区 |
林睦纲 |
Randomized Parameterized Algorithms for the Kidney Exchange Problem |
Algorithms |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
焦铬 |
Hybrid Chaotic Encryption Algorithm for Securing DICOM Systems |
International Journal of Performability Engineering |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
焦铬 |
Improved Security for Android System based on Multi-Chaotic Maps using a Novel Image Encryption Algorithm |
International Journal of Performability Engineering |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
田小梅 |
Efficiently Retrieving Differences Between Remote Sets using Counting Bloom Filter |
International Journal of Performabity Engineering |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
赵辉煌 |
Multiple Classifiers Fusion and CNN Feature Extraction for Handwritten Digits Recognition |
Granular computing |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
唐四薪 |
Combining Stochastic Grammar and Semi-Supervised Learning Techniques to Extract RNA Structures with Pseudoknots |
International Journal of Performability Engineering |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
焦铬 |
An Optimized AES Masking Method for Resisting Side Channel Analysis |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
论文 |
EI期刊 |
李浪 |
Hbcipher:一种高效的轻量级分组密码 |
密码学报 |
论文 |
CSCD核心 |
李浪 |
Optimization and Security Implementation of ITUbee |
CENet2018 |
会议论文 |
EI会议 |
赵辉煌 |
Occlusion Robust Tracking for Mult-Faces with WP Feature and BP Neural Networks |
CISP-BMEI 2018 |
会议论文 |
EI会议 |
王杰 |
面向云隐私保护的5A问责制协议设计 |
南京邮电大学学报 |
论文 |
CSCD扩展 |
郑光勇 |
基于spring boot框架的公司考勤系统 的研究与设计 |
电脑知识与技术 |
论文 |
省级 |
匡娟丽 |
LED密码算法Verilog HDL优化实现研究 |
太阳城集团学报 |
论文 |
省级 |
李浪 |
LED加密融合优化实现研究 |
太阳城集团学报 |
论文 |
省级 |
刘青云 |
基于Sax的嵌入式轻量级xml解析实现 |
太阳城集团学报 |
论文 |
省级 |